What is PRP

PRP Therapy:

PRP therapy is a minimally invasive treatment. This treatment uses platelet-rich plasma to support soft tissue regeneration. On Contrary, this medicine is used for providing an optimum healing process.

What is PRP:

Platelet-rich plasma is the concentration of platelet above baseline levels. While it contains many growth factors. The collected blood spin in a centrifuge way to separate the platelets. This will separate the PRP concentrated substance. PRP in Islamabad. The therapist draws the right concentration of PRP and then injected this into the injured part of the body.

Benefits of PRP:

Nowadays PRP is the least causing pain therapy. There are Many Benefits of PRP. Hence, It is effectively used for the healing process for outer muscle injuries and other soft tissue damages.

Helps Recover Sports Injuries:

PRP is best for providing relief to those patients who are suffering from trauma and sports-related injuries. These injuries may affect joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and tissues of the body.

Sports injuries happen when someone falls on the ground causing a huge force on the muscle. In addition, this force is so great that it causes tearing of muscle tissue.

Athletes and other sports players have PRP’s best solution for their injuries. In the event of this, it is an efficient healing process. PRP restores the mobility and functionality of the injured muscle.

Provides Relief from Knee Osteoarthritis:

When hyaluronic acid is increasingly removed from joints. As a result, this causes Knee Osteoarthritis. This acid is responsible for the lubrication and cushioning of joints. Due to this, our joints work smoothly.

However, PRP is the best possible solution for those patients who are suffering from severe knee pain. PRP helps patients restore hyaluronic acid concentration in the knee. Synovial fibroblast and hepatocyte are the main growth factors that are present in platelet substances. As a result, this decreases joint damage and eliminates any disease progression. Best Dermatologist in Islamabad.

Reduces Inflammation:

The human body has a complex structure. It requires a lot of time to heal from a muscle injury, joint ligament, or any part of the body. Our body usually takes several months or years to restore our injury depending on its severity.

PRP is an advanced technique. It is totally safe and provides you fast healing process. As a result, this process is also effective for reducing inflammation and swelling.

Minimal Invasive Intervention:

The PRP therapy requires blood from the patient body. Above all, our goal is to produce a substance that contains all the ingredients for growth factors. Moreover, it is especially for those patients having a severe injury.

Provides lasting relief from Back Pain:

PRP therapy help patient to reduce back pain. Back pain is often difficult to treat. Furthermore, it reduces back pain by improving elements like ligaments, discs, and joints.

PRP treatment is best for the boost healing process and processes a wide variety of pain and injuries.

PRP Therapy vs Stem Cell Treatment:

They both are reliable regenerative medicine procedures. PRP is commonly used for injuries like tendonitis, ligaments, and other tissue injuries. However, PRP takes blood from the patient directly.

Stem cell treatment is usually used for cases like arthritis. On the other hand, Stem cell borrows stem cells from the bone marrow of the patient’s bone.

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